
Lets Fill Our Stomachs!


04-17-2014, 09:05 PM
Ritsuka would look around as the others began to speak among themselves, eyes searching as he hoped that some of the other members of Tortuga might show up. They were a smaller pack but he hoped that most of their members would be able to attend. The next to arrive was a male, though a female scent would linger not far behind him. Perhaps she was merely just a bit more on the shy side? He would give a nod, tail wagging back and forth a bit. New faces and new scents, but certainly welcome.

"Of course. All are welcome." He would offer a smile. "...and welcome to Tortuga by the way." Then another would arrive, one he knew all too well. His sister. As she whispered into his ear he would gasp, shaking his head. "N-no!" Okay so the response was louder than he meant for it to be, but it wasn't like anyone had heard the question. It was true he thought Gossamir was pretty, very pretty, but he had hardly made any moves towards telling her such a thing. He didn't want to come off as one of those kinds of guys.

He couldn't help but chuckle though at Blizzard's suggestion. It wasn't surprising for her to suggest it, really. If it had been just the two of them he would have happily obliged, but as Qanik spoke she brought up some good points. He would speak, voicing his opinion on the matter.

"Though it is good to sometimes have some friendly competition now is not the best time for one. As Qanik herself mentioned many of us are still young, and on top of that this is our first time working together as a unit. It would be better for us to do this one all together, so we can see each others strengths and weaknesses while we work. Then, as the pack grows, there can be time for such things." As he finished speaking the female who had been hanging back came up and he would give a nod to her.

"Welcome, Misha." He would give her a small smile of encouragement before looking around again. All right, it was time to get this show on the road. Since Roman made no notion of wanting to take the reigns he would start giving directions.

"Qanik, Gossamir, I want you both to scout ahead for the herd. The last time I saw them they were of in the north eastern part of the forest." He would motion with his muzzle. "That wasn't all that long ago so they can't have gotten far. When you find them come back to us. We'll be following along a distance to await your word. If there are any good targets you happen to see as well let me know." He would look to the others.

"We're going to hit the target in a pincer like movement, coming in from both sides. Roman, Misha, Blizzard and Qanik will handle the right side and Day, Gossamir, and myself will hit it on the left. Now, not to single any of the rest of you out but Misha, Blizzard, and Day... do any of you feel comfortable attempting the killing bite or would you prefer someone with more experience to do this?" He had been with Gossamir enough to know she was capable of that... but it had been some time since he'd seen Blizzard hunt and wasn't so sure where his sister's skills stood or that of the newcomers. He wanted to give them the chance to prove themselves though if they felt bold enough to. While he waited for their response he would get them moving, heading off in the direction he indicated the herd was last spotted in.
