
Whispering Memories


04-17-2014, 09:33 PM

How time would pass. How it was changing. Zanire was doing better, thanks to Nalyda's treatment on her. If the she wolf hadn't been met... had the treatment not been received he shuddered to think what might have happened to his companion. Now that she was doing a bit better Kar went off on his search through the southern lands. He was searching for Nalyda again, though if he ran into Mako again too that would be a blessing. He missed them... the two wolves he had really ever gotten even a bit closer to than just a random meeting.

The sky above him was angry, dark gray clouds stretched above the lands. A crash of thunder, booming with enough strength that it even made the ground rumble a bit. He would pin his ears back as he looked up to the sky. "Don't you dare start pouring on me..." He growled, as if he was talking to the very sky itself. Hell, he probably was.

He would keep going, a cave soon coming to view. But he wouldn't reach it fast enough. Rain would begin pouring from the sky, moisture clinging to his coat. He started to run as it fell, running straight on until he reached the entrance. He would shake out his coat, panting a little. Stupid weather... He would think to himself. Then he would pick up something odd... it sounded like... whispering? Was someone here? But... the words didn't make sense.

Kar would walk on, ears perked up curiously. "...Hello? Is anyone -- oh!" The male would smile as the familiar dark form would be seen. He'd walk over to her. Nalyda. The healer he was searching for him. "Nalyda?" Her eyes were closed but Kar hoped she wasn't in a deep sleep. He was hoping she wasn't... he really wanted to speak with her again.

Speech, Thought