
You will be mine [MATURE]


03-30-2013, 09:16 PM

His comment of finding someone new didn?t disturb her. She was not a woman of jealousy. She only cared that she found her release for her cravings of pain and dominance. If he wanted to run around and fuck the world then by all means she wouldn?t give a damn. Her tail flicked at his words and she couldn?t help the laugh that erupted from her jaws. Fight him? Just so she could belong to him? Honestly such a barbaric way of asking someone to be theirs. She shook her thick velvet coat and smiled a toothy grin, ?Well, the offer sounds interesting. If I weren?t knocked up with your kids then by all means I?d fight away. Just for the thrill of it. But I?m not risking their lives because you want to claim me. Go ahead and claim me then. But know this, you are claiming me, not my kingdom. Push on the matter and when these pups are out and weaned I will put your head so far up your ass you?ll be shitting out your mouth for weeks.? She said sharply.

She looked him over and laughed, allowing all the seriousness to fade away. ?As your mate I demand nothing from you. I don?t care if you want monogamy or If you want to fuck the universe. Do what ever you want as long as you play a little BDSM with me every now and again I?ll be content. You stand by me during pack meetings and be the diligent ?Husband? that is required of an alphas mate and we wont have any issues.? She said simply. Her tail flicking behind her as she thought about the last time they had played. They hadn?t talked of kingdoms or crowns or ownership. He hadn?t known she was the new queen of Lentajin did he? ?Oh, I killed the bitch that sat on the throne of Lentajin. It?s my home now.? she said bluntly. She was in no mood for pretty words with him. He had spoken directly to her and so she would give the same in return.