



3 Years
Extra large
05-02-2014, 12:51 PM

A familiar call wold echo throughout the mist cloaked forest, just in time to interrupt the boy from falling deep into sleep. He would grunt before raising to his paws to stand on all fours, his head nearly hitting the roof of his already expanded den. He would slither out of the dens opening like a mamba, scorching all that he sees with his frigid amethyst stare. He would travel across the foggy lands at a steady pace, reaching the heart of the forest within a few minutes. A few other members had reached the monarch first, including the big man he despised, and the ebony man from the battle training. The others he was not too familiar with. He would approach his queen with haste, reaching her within a few strides upon his lengthy limbs. His eyes would roll hungrily over her body, his testosterone levels rocketing sky high as of late provoking him to become more interested in the female body. Soon the desire to rape the unwilling would plague his mind just as it had his fathers at this age, and he would become unstoppable. "Cataleya, who did you fuck." He would speak low enough for she alone to hear, as he was truly curious to know whose seed she carried, but did not wish to announce it to the entire pack. He would then back peddle so that he could come to sit beside her, his tail curled high despite his sitting position. He would look down upon his queen for a moment, admiring her coral glare and the way she put fear into others with a single look, all while waiting for the rest of the pack to show and for her to respond.
