
stuck in colder weather


04-18-2014, 12:08 AM

She watched as more and more members lumbered forward, and as their king graced them with his presence. At his state she took a sharp intake of breath, she knew he wasn't doing well, any wolf with a half bit of sense could see that. She made a note to check on his being later. He mentioned something about her and another, Liberty and her ears flicked with interest. What was going on? Sendoa would speak again, promoting her to the rank of an Overseer and Eris was silent in shock for several moments. Never, had she expected.. this. While she found her words, she heard Liberty thank the queen, and she would stand, even though she was merely twenty three inches, she stood at the front of the group so she could be seen by the queen. "Thank you Sendoa, I will do my best to serve Glaciem." She spoke sincerely, trying to appear confident.

Settling back on her haunches she looked at Vereux as he spoke, declaring that he wished to train under her. She felt a prickle of pride, and nodded her approval towards Sendoa, not that the queen needed it. Even if she hadn't approved whole-heartedly with the boys decision Sendoa could have merely ordered the training. "I look forward to working with you Vereux." She said softly, but loud enough she knew the boy would hear her. He had chosen a unique path, and she felt little doubt that he couldn't fulfill it. At least he had chosen. She noted that Narsha would request her leave, and Eris wondered about the woman. She hadn't seen her excluding meetings since her birth. Another spoke, Arietta and Eris glanced at her, wondering why the small woman was requesting to leave the pack. Never the less, she waited to be dismissed by the Queen, all the while watching the rest of the proceedings.
