
Little Moments



2 Years
04-18-2014, 03:17 AM (This post was last modified: 04-18-2014, 02:28 PM by Crucifix.)

The brutes words would return to the marking that Crusade boosted against his left shoulder, it seemed to be something that caught the eyes and interest of others quite easily, which seemed fair enough considering such a large and obvious birthmark must be a rare sight. Was was stranger still, was how all of Cru's family wore this marking of the flesh, a marking they had not given themselves but given by some strange twist of fate. ?A few of us, we seem to be finding each-other again here in this land? he said, oddly cautious not to give too much away about his family ? he was very protective of those wolves who shared his blood, and well this wolf was clearly a harmless boy he could bare it to be him to let knowledge out that could return to hurt them.

His thoughts returned to the present, but thoughts and memories of his sister would not fade, instead they would crystallize in his mind as this boy asked if fake love was the worst of crimes. He bit back the snarl he felt within his throat, that outcry at the fate of his sister, that fake laugh did not seem as cruel to him as a stranger forcing their being upon his sisters. The mere thought of brought red to his eyes. He fought to bring his sanity back to him, the calm that this beautiful night should grant him. ?I suppose it is a bad one.? he said, not able to bring himself to mention the fate of his sisters, it was not for the world to know, and others knowing and remembering would only worsen their suffering. Well... he supposed one wasn't rape, one was this 'false love' this boy spoke of, only worse, for she adored him even as he used her. ?Yes.. one of the worst in fact? after all, in his mind it was terrible enough for him to contemplate the death of the doer.

This boy before him, Day, spoke again now and this time his words would chase away the anger that clogged Cru's veins, it brought him back to reality and to the moment as he asked why Cru had found himself here. ?Actually, I chased the sunset - -this turned out to be the last great point to see it by before it vanished? he said this with a grin, as through chasing the sunset was one of the most normal things in the world.

"My sounds""My Soul"