
The returning warrior


04-18-2014, 06:28 AM
A black female wolf trotted through the forest, in search of prey. She growled, pinning her ears back in irritation. If only she knew the territories! She felt as if her inner compass had been destroyed because of being away so long, all sense of direction gone. She felt alone, lost, like a small pup separated from it's mother. She whined, as a particularly harsh bout of of wind seeped through her coat, biting her flesh. She shivered, and moved on, slower. Her eyes scanned the trees and bushes, her paw falls silent and quick. The wind blew, and she caught the scent of a nearby animal-A hare. She dropped to a crouch, and edged foreword, trying to determine the rabbit's whereabouts in the wind that was rapidly changing direction. After a few minutes, she finally detected it west of her, and stalked swiftly towards it. She avoided kicking stones, or stepping on twigs, so as not to alert the animal to her presence.

She saw it, in a clearing, nibbling on grass. She lay in the bushes, quietly moving forword, inch by inch, until she was within leaping distance. She tensed her whole body, all her power going to her abdomen and hind legs. She waited quietly, before leaping out of the bushes, jaws wide. The hare had noticed the wolf a split second before it leaped, and sprung away with it's signature scream. It darted off, and the wolf quickly followed, not bothering to make her paw steps quiet. The black figure darted through the trees, her long legs swiftly carrying her closer and closer to her destination. The woman's paws touched lightly on the ground, her strong legs pushing her foreword in chase. The white fur flashed before her eyes, and she forced her terribly aching legs to take longer bounds. Her tongue lolled, panting as she was forced to stop when she reached a territory boarder. She howled in anger, growling. Her chest heaved as she fought to catch her breath, looking around. Even though she had returned a little while ago, all the territories and packs were unfamiliar to her. She huffed grumpily, stalking away from the lost prey. She sniffed deeply, trying to catch scent of another animal. Her stomach snarled, reminding her she hadn't eaten in three days. She glanced longingly back towards where the rabbit had disappeared. 'Maybe, just maybe, i can sneak over and just get it, and come right back...' She thought, licking her jowls hungrily. The fall breeze blew her long fur, ruffling it. She sniffed again, and took a hesitant step towards the border line.