
Kiss me hard before you go {P}


04-18-2014, 07:46 AM

It was just planned to be a couple day long journey. Something had lead him to the ends of Alacritia, to the ocean. He was simply trying to cover as much ground as he could, see as much as he could. But he didn't want to stay away for too long and leave his mother worrying. So far his journey had brought him much happiness, learning new things and seeing wonders he had never experienced while living at the cove or in the snowfalls.

Currently he was upon one of the islands. What it was called he did not know but there were some interesting herbs here. He was going to describe them to his mother and see if any would be of use to her. If they were then he could always come back and try and collect some. The male would flick his ears forward as he started back towards the shore, the roar of the ocean a pleasing sound to his ears.

He would be surprised however to see that he was no longer alone. The young male would move closer to her, at first worried she might have been hurt... or worse. But... as he neared her, he recalled smelling the scent before. This was a wolf that lived here on the island. Since it was only one wolf he hadn't really paid it too much mind... but... He would frown a little, debating about simply trying to leave the island. But, luck of all luck, the male would be sent in a sneezing fit... and not a very quiet one.