
There's an endless road to rediscover



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-18-2014, 11:42 AM
Erani Adravendi

She padded easily across the plains, enjoying the middle-early Autumn atmosphere around her. The grasses had turned to pure gold in color, leaves turned to fiery red, pale yellow, and burnished copper and bronze, with dashes of late emerald here and there. It wouldn?t be very long before the leaves would completely descend to the ground, soon to be covered by fresh snow. Her territory and pack were all thriving, and at some point, she would call a meeting, and announce a few new things that she had thought up as of late. Cormalin, Surreal, Alsander and Sarak, were all privy to her thoughts, and had all taken to her idea. She just hoped the rest would like the additions and changes to their pack system she had thought of.

A howl rolled across the plains, and her forward motion ceased, head swiveling to gaze toward the call. The voice was familiar, and she smiled as her paws turned her frame toward the wolf on the border. Exactly when she was thinking they needed more hunters, one of the old Psis had returned. While Valhalla was growing large, and she would soon need to start turning wolves away, and pass the word through to the Betas, Surreal and Sephiroth, Meili would be an exception. She was a good hunter, and worked well with Ashtoreth, the two being best friends.

She approached Meili, deep blue gaze sliding over her frame for any sign of injury, old or new. She?d often wondered where the girl had gone, if the storm had taken her. Well, she was about to get her answers. She greeted Meili with a warm smile, velvet tones warm as she spoke. ?Meili, it?s good to see you home again.? Her words were both greeting, and early acceptance of the small hunter?s return, an invitation to step beyond the borders into her home.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think