
The rhythm's a little off



3 Years
04-18-2014, 12:04 PM

In such close quarters it came as no surprise that her headbutt hit true, though unfortunately it seemed the same could not be said about her next attack. Rather than finding S'alkrie's throat, Talvi would find her jaws making contact with the skin around the shoulder, a far harder area to keep hold of really and her attempt to hold the albino wouldn't work. She was of course distracted as well by S'alkrie's second attempt to reach her scruff, with her head little off centre from the slight twist for her attack, Talvi had actually put herself in a weaker position, and S'alkrie's teeth would easily find a thinner part of skin the left side of her scruff. As she kept hold the skin would pierce slightly, teeth would sink a little deeper as she pulled upwards. Talvi would allow her head to follow the movement to avoid any further damage, though found herself suddenly rather thankful that this was a friendly, light contact match or else the wound could have been worse.

Throughout all her tail had remained tucked and ears pinned back. Her paws were still spread wider for her balance, though with S'alkrie holding onto her scruff there was little she could do to lower her head. At least, occupied by the back of her neck it seemed rather unlikely that the albino would attempt for the throat just yet.

As S'alkrie began to drop her weight and attempt to push Talvi to the ground, the silver and blue girl would quickly move with the attack once more, dropping and using the force of S'alkrie's push and her own momentum to roll in hopes of pulling the avoiding being trapped beneath the other. Given that S'alkrie only had two paws grounding her at the moment, Talvi hoped that the roll, if successful would cause the albino in a moment of shock and to avoid potentially hitting the ground head first, to would release both her paws and most importantly Talvi's scruff which would then allow Talvi to continue her roll to turn her back away from S'alkrie. Dependant upon the results of the roll and her own speed in recovering from the manoeuvre in comparison to her opponent, Talvi would then aim a bite to the left side of S'alkrie's throat. A repeat attack she knew, though would seem the most logical to her from that position.

S'alkrie vs Talvi - Practice Spar

Round 2 of 2

Defences Widened stance for balance, tail tucked, ears pinned, move with S'alkrie's attack to avoid being completely trapped

Attacks Aim to bring S'alkrie to ground with her. Dependent on success and outcome of roll, bite aimed to left side of throat.

Injuries Bite wound to thinner part of scruff at starting point on the left side.