
Stories of a healing kind



3 Years
04-18-2014, 02:50 PM
ooc: I know you've already posted with Esperanza in the cave though Talvi wouldn't follow her quite so readily if at all, as she'll point out herself there are other places in the lands she can shelter, she doesn't need to follow her.

"You must be Talvi, a very nice name for a young pup like yourself," Talvi frowned lightly at her words, how the other knew her name the blue and silver girl really had no idea. Not one of Isardis' own she wasn't even amongst the most famed of the bloods, the titles were likely reserved for Kyarst and Kuvio, though many of the other bloods had begun to make a name for themselves, Drashiel with his confidence and Vereux with his request at the latest meeting. Almost a year old, yet she had done nothing extraordinary for her pack, simply joining it had been her biggest feat so far.

"Yes. I am." She responded with a steady nod of her head. Her words weren't quite as warm, somewhat confused by the entire ordeal. Though by no means one of those stubborn youth's that refused to acknowledge how little experience she had, she wasn't sure she appreciated this whole 'young pup' lark either. She would be a year old before too long and even the youngest of the pack were hardly that small anymore.

"Come, there has to be a den nearby, there is a snowstorm and not many pups survive if they are stuck out here." Pale eyes glanced upwards towards the clouds. Indeed they had darkened rather swiftly though truth be told she would have rather sought shelter within her own den or with another of the bloods that she actually knew rather than this woman. She had nothing against her really, though the company of a stranger was not exactly welcomed if she may have to stay put for a while. "I am hardly a child anymore." Talvi pointed out to her, once more with the pup references. She was just as likely to survive as this woman. "I am nearly as large as you are." Indeed as the other rose at her current state Talvi was only a few inches shorter. Yes she was still growing, but she was hardly in a stage of crucial development anymore, there were fully-grown wolves far smaller than her.

The snow began to fall and the ebony female would begin to lead the way. As swiftly as the clouds had arrived, they had begun to empty. A strange occurrence for Autumn she felt, surely even here, though the lands had hardly been kind as of late and perhaps ought not be questioned too much. Talvi remained rooted, gaze fixed upon the woman. "Whilst you somehow know my name I have no idea who you are. Why should I follow you anyway? I can just as easily make my own way elsewhere." Perhaps all those pup comments had gotten to her a little more than she had realised. She certainly had nothing against kindness though Talvi had made it this far with her mother being overly present in her life, she certainly didn't need some stranger suddenly stepping in and acting like she was a defenceless little tot that needed someone to care for her.