
Purifying Waves

Twig I


04-18-2014, 08:29 PM
The cross marked she wolf was adorned in the golden light of the dying sun, her gentle gaze aimed off in the distance. Out across the lake she would loose herself in the hypnotizing rhythm of the waters waves. Thoughts of Fern would plague her, but as her mind wandered she would feel a bit of peace well up from within her. Her focus was so contained within its self she would not take in the tell tale signs of another approaching her desired place of refuge. Shilah would fully complete his drink and notice her before she would even realize she was not alone. The sound of her name would break her trance and vivid violet gaze would shift to the familiar form. She would find the slightest of smiles appearing on her lips as her attention would focus on the growing figure. He would take care to leave her the space she so desired, being kind enough to remember her injury and ask how well she was doing since finding herself in Valhalla. "Greetings, Shilah of the Nomads. I suppose your title has changed to Eta of Valhalla?" her head would tilt slightly of curiosity, any animosity she held from their last meeting would be relinquished. She was, and had been, quite thankful for his help. "it's starting to get better, I.. um.. Had a bit of misfortune befall me recently. It would force me to take refuge here and I haven't quite found my way out yet. It helps I've found family that have taken up residence here." she would do her best to keep her features neutral, the pain of losing Fern would beat strongly within her chest. Twig would still do her best to keep her emotions under control, she was trying to recover and this would be her first test. Keeping cool around others.?