
'Cause I'm addicted -OPEN-


02-08-2013, 02:14 PM

Much to the harlot's surprise, the woman seemed to recognize her surname. Ricochet ceased her chomping for a moment and lifted her head, puffing out her chest with pride. I certainly did. A smirk crossed her features. Was this another refugee of the eruption? So another had managed to escape. Pity, Ricochet had thought she might be starting a whole new life on her own, devoid of any stragglers from her past. The blackened beast continued to watch the stranger with a renewed sense of curiosity. Who was this she-wolf who had heard the name of Jaeger? Anyone in the old Alacritia could have heard the name Jaeger quite easily, it was popular being that her father had been the leader of a large and prominent pack. However, just where this stranger had heard of Tortuga would be interesting to learn. Could it be by some miracle that this was a fellow Tortugan?

She ceased her musing as the woman spoke up again, starting off a sentence before trailing off. Oh Ricochet did hate when people spoke like that. Get to the point! My food is getting colder.. And there it was. Zarzenova Jaeger. What?! Ricochet took a step back, the fur on her back and neck bristling, the right side of her lip curling up. Her head moved downward, parallel to her spine as she glared at the creature before her. It must be a lie. Zarzenova was gone, had vanished from Tortuga, or at least had managed to skirt under Ricochet's radar for quite some time. Bi-colored eyes scanned appraisingly over the female's frame, noting how very similar she looked to what Ricochet could remember of Zarzenova. It couldn't be a lie, no one could lie that well.

Well well well.. how have you been, 'Nova? Remember? I used to call you that.. Her figure released it's built up tension, her muscles uncoiling from their poised position. She rocked back onto her haunches, a placid look now taking over the suspicious one on her face. Temporarily she would forget her blatant hunger, after all.. it wasn't every day you ran into your long lost sibling. I don't suppose our dear brother Jokull is lurking about somewhere as well? Jokull had been around longer than Zarzenova had, but he too had vanished into thin air. Just where did her family get off disappearing out of nowhere?


ooc; your posts are fabulous, Em <3