
Reaching as i fall



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-30-2013, 09:54 PM

Epiphron's wanderlust had ceased to diminish, even as weeks in Alacritis turned to months, even with the changing of winter to spring. She craved to explore the western territories further, but feared what she might find if she encountered the Seracia pack. So her paws carried her north, a place she had yet to visit often. The further north she went, the more lost in her thoughts she became. She wondered where her adopted brother had gone -- surely he was stubborn enough to still be alive. And if he wasn't? She would mourn his death deeply, as she would any of her siblings, though her sorrow would be mixed with undeniable guilt. The proud female did not often dwell on things she had done in her past, but she couldn't help but wonder if Neo would've had abandoned Valhalla had she and Chrysanthe been a bit lighter on him. Despite the heavy thoughts that weighed down her mind, her posture showed nothing of the worry that lingered in the pretty girl's mind.

One would be surprised if told that she wasn't a princess. The ivory-furred female held her head high above slender shoulders, her tail curled dominantly over her delicately curved back. Despite her lithe form, she carried herself as confidently as the strongest male warrior might. Narcissism was beginning to seep from her very core, the expression that graced her youthful features one of pure self-assurance and slight smugness. But somehow Epiphron Adravendi maintained an air of innocence, of untainted purity and youthfulness.

The landscape slowly changed, and it seemed as though she traveled back in time, back into the former season. The snow begun to pile up as she traveled further to the north, despite the fact that the sun still shone relentlessly overhead. Inch by inch the snow seemed to accumulated before her eyes. Sapphire blue gaze scanned the vast expanse of land before her, widening slightly in wonder at the emptiness that lay before her.

Before long, her eyes found trees that dappled the white landscape. Much effort was exerted as she trekked through the thick slush, determined to explore the small forest before her. A grin spread on her face as she slipped quietly into the shadows of the tall trees, letting out gentle bark without realizing it. Perhaps if there were others nearby, they would show themselves? And if not, she would bask in her own presence and enjoy the snow before she made her way back towards Valhalla.