
Marked to Die: Battle Training!



5 Years
04-19-2014, 01:58 PM

Mist lightly coated the ground on this crisp, autumn morning. The sun was rising and casting its rays over the cool ground, rays being swallowed into the mists that always clung around the souless forest. Finding a clearing D?gmar Thyre climbed on top of an exposed stump, left over and ground away from some unfortunate tree she supposed. D?gmar felt better than she had in a long time. The pups were gone and it was time to get down to business.

Tipping back her head she howled for the soldiers of Arcanum to gather. As well as anyone else that was interested. It was time to begin the battle training that would become a regular part of their lives. D?gmar had every intention of living up to her duty and her title. Hati didn't seem like the organized type so she figured she'd initiate the gathering and then if he had any ideas or anything to add to her plan then he could do so.

D?gmar wasn't sure how her training method would be received by her fellow packmates but she was fairly set in her ways. If any of them had a problem with it she would listen to suggestions though the bottom line was simply this. If they thought they could do better they were welcome to challenge. D?gmar was all too aware that she could be surpassed by her pupils but until then she was in charge and sought to better all of her packmates. Especially the younger ones. So she would start from the beginning. Some of the older members might be bored at first but if Arcanum was to be a true military force then all members needed to be up to speed on the arts of battle.

OOC: And so it begins! :3 You have til April 26th at Noon Alacritis time to respond. If you have potential members in the acceptance process or being force-claimed pm me on D?gmar's account or Hati on Tea's and we'll work something out. The same goes if you are on abscence. If you're curious of the training format click HERE I will be updating it soon. Thanks guys!