
Wanderlust Guide Us



11 Years
04-19-2014, 02:04 PM (This post was last modified: 04-20-2014, 12:49 AM by Bane.)
Tahlia had named their offspring in turn before naming herself, Bane using the moment to then look around them. His mate spoke of her skills in acquiring both the fish of the water and creatures of the land. He didn't doubt her, that much was obvious, but the pack wolf Vaughan may need convincing. Not in her current state, no, this would have to be an investment of time if he took in seven wolves of various ages and seeing what their strengths were in good time.

There was a silence, Jakart adjusting the carving antler he held in his maw that he'd brought all the way from Seracia. It touched Bane that his son had missed him so, and the Talutah mark upon Anais's shoulder did him proud. A swish of his tail was given at Vaughan's words. Ranks were given out and the elders one good eye glanced about in search of a den location. Too many trees, they'd have to walk around some more to find a place. The eldest pups would have to dig their own den, close to their sire and dame. He wouldn't loose them again.

Bane gave a grateful nod at Vaughan and touched the tip of his nose against the ground in a bow. "Thank you Vaughan. Though the world remained hard on our family for quite some time, it is my hope that, although there might be some issues with old customs and beliefs that we will discuss the problems before actions are taken should the new arise. We have ears on our head. I can only hope they are open and understanding should something come up."

The black wolf stepped to side and Bane dipped his head at the high lord and turned to Tahlia, they were in Ebony now. Kailos finishing up with his feeding and curled up in an attempt at sleep. The elder reached down and clean of his sons muzzle before wrapping his jaws around the pup's scruff again. The little pup gave a wiggle and went limp, a minuscule wail of protest voicing from his muzzle. "Almost there little one. We've almost made it." Bane looked back at Tahlia, relief in his eye. A den would be searched for in Ebony by the lake on a forested hillside overlooking their new home. A fresh start for them all.

-End thread-
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•