
Keep on walking



4 Years
04-19-2014, 02:44 PM (This post was last modified: 04-22-2014, 07:23 PM by Baldur.)

What did you expect to find?

Was it something you left behind?

Oh? She wasn't hunting? Baldur supposed that made sense as if finally occurred to him just how pregnant she was. She still seemed terribly off put by the pair of males and Baldur turned to look at Thor his head tilted quizzically to the side as if to inquire as to what social line he'd managed to trip over this time. While none of the Hroovitnir clan were terribly graced with manners, trained to be killers from the start, he was confident his older brother knew.

It was then another femme appeared, a cute bubbly little thing named Amia. Well at least she didn't seem to be perturbed by their presence. He smiled up at her as he answered her question. "Drafty!" His nose wrinkled and he sneezed again. "Ah sorry? grass must be tickling my nose. How are you?"

Baludr turned to Thor indignantly and stuck out his tongue to the brain comment. He was very intelligent thank you very much? he just tripped a lot. Thor followed it up by introducing him as a "clown". Baldur was about to say something as a shiver ran down his spine. He quickly set to ignoring it. Probably a chill in the air before turning back to Emer. "I'm not a clown I'm just a bit klutzy. What's your name?"

Baldur pitched forward suddenly, eyes squeezing shut at the stabbing pain that was shooting through his head. Flinching he rose carefully to his feet. "I'm sorry, please excuse me I think I must've eaten something funny. I'm sure it's nothing I'll just take a quick nap." Letting out a good natured laugh and a smile he quickly hid the pain and trotted away from the group.

-exit Baldur, luns on abscence til May 8th. sorry ><-

Don't you remember anything I said when I said,

Don't fall away and leave me to myself