
Purifying Waves

Twig I


04-19-2014, 07:12 PM
Shilah would confirm her question as he would gladly tell her of his new role in the pack. She knew very well how difficult it was readjusting to pack life after living alone for so long. Being with out her family had been one of the most difficult experiences of her life, she was sure she would never want to go back to being so independent. "I know how you feel, I had been alone for so long.." while she knew she didn't want to leave her kin, Twig was having doubts of living with pack life as well. She was trying to get back to normal, but what normal was anymore she didn't even know. So much of her had died with Fern, bouncing right back was completely impossible. As the cross marked girl explained herself the dark man's expression would change. Instead of a look of happiness he would begin to show concern. Immediately he would apologize, like most had, but none of them could help her. Even Erani could do nothing to save her lost child. "No, there's nothing anyone can do now." though he didn't know it just being in her presence would help. Twig still had trouble being on her own for extended periods, so having a friend to enjoy the view with was nice. Shilah was quick to change the subject though, and silently would she thank him for it. Soon enough he would come to realize the harsh reality she had been faced with. Erani would call for her assailant's trial, and it was likely the whole pack would be involved. "I'm eternally relieved. We've not found everyone, but many have shown up already." she would grow more confident again, "Loyal and protective mostly. Incredibly loving, of course." her features would grow wistful as she told The healer of her kin. If only she could have been introducing Fern to him.?