
What if I can't be all that you need me to be



1 Year
04-19-2014, 10:12 PM (This post was last modified: 04-20-2014, 07:31 PM by Taddeo.)

There was no him, no siblings just life and those that lived with him. There was no knowledge of what those others were or who they would be only that they were there and he cared for them, there wasn't any word for it in his dormant brain. He cared for her too, the voice he heard and vaguely knew as his mother's, though the caring was slightly different than what he felt for the other tenants of his little world.
There were changes but nothing like this. The flexible walls of his world pushing in around them and then snapping back. They were shifted, pushed along by these flexible walls. Then almost as sudden as the changes started he felt an opening, one of the tenants that had been there but a moment ago was gone. Then he was being pushed along and the other tenant was gone but he realized this was different.
There was space and cold, and sounds and scents and while there were no sights there was enough overload to his senses that he was stunned, quiet unmoving... But then there was a warm soft thing rasping over him. He was becoming self-aware. He was hungry! The boy let out a loud cry just as he was coming closer to the sweet smell of food. There was warmth at his side, his sister. Gaping maw closed around his mother and he suckled till he was full. Taddeo had been born.