
You will be mine [MATURE]


03-30-2013, 10:52 PM

The bastard. Though she wasn't surprised. Here was stuck with jackass and he was still out fucking everything that moved. She stalked towards the battlefield where she had heard his call for another female to claim. At the sound she rolled her eyes, but she wanted to see who this poor bitch was. She had arrived a little late in the game, just in time hear Kaios's final words. Come here so I can fuck my wife. She made her appearance with quiet grace, sliding towards the two. The female was foreign to her, but a massive woman to say the least. "Well now then you're gonna have to be a little more specific about which wife." words spoken dripped sweet honey, but her eyes shot daggers at him. She stopped a few feet from the pair, eyes drifting from Kaios to the dame. She cast a cool gaze at the dame, no signs of hostility or hard feelings, maybe a bit of pity. Her gaze naturally hardened when she turned to Kaios once more, waiting for his reply. She could only image what he had to say.
"Talk here."