
Champagne Supernova



04-19-2014, 11:58 PM

The day would quickly fade, and the night would succumb to darkness in its later hours. The light of the moon however would still find a way to penetrate into the den of the white boy, and its silver light upon his clear coat was translucent and astounding. It was however not the light of the moon that awake him, but something else. He felt the presence and the movement more then heard or saw it, but he went in a moment from the arms of sleep and into the reality of conciousness. The brute would blink in surprise, with the groggy tendrils of dreams still grasped about him as he struggled to understand what had awoken him.

Moments would pass, and nothing would alighten him to why he found himself awake, and so with a sigh he would shake of those last traces of dreams and rise to his paws. He took a moment to stretch, pushing his forepaws out and arching out his back, his jaws wide and fangs gleaming in his yawn. Ready at last he would find himself exiting the den and welcoming the full glow of the moon above. It was enough light to see a figure in the distance, a form bathed in moonlight and glowing beneath its touch. He could see that she lay upon the beach at the waters side and her dark points where velvet beside her glowing silver. He found he could not move for the longest moment, transfixed by the unearthly figure she cut against the night, but that moment too, would pass and he would see and realise that the figure he was watching would be the form of Twig.

He would start forward with that realisation, moving without rush but with curiosity as he made his way towards her, closing in the distance until he would stand behind her. He watched her for another moment, sure that his presence would be felt if not heard. ?Its beautiful, isn't it? The moonlight? he would murmur softly, laying himself against the ground beside her, placing himself at an opposite angle so that his head would rest upon her hunches and his tail would curl about her forepaws. He would feel her warmth, her companionship and at once would feel utterly at ease beside her. He did not even think his movements would be intruding, his touch unwelcome. She had became so much a part of his life, with her presence and friendship that she simply belonged beside him, that in her presence everything was natural.