
spread your wings



10 Years
04-20-2014, 12:33 AM

Her mood was still grumpy, but it cleared up a little bit when she realized that he was aggravated, too. Odette let her feelings dance on her sleeve as she continued the conversation. "Either they weren't answered because the gods were too busy, or wanted to spite you just for fun." A snort escaped her dainty nose as she shook her head in a sad manner. "I'm not impressed by their actions for either situation. I'm ready for fall because this is just ridiculous! Heat with no water? Puh-lease." She rolled her eyes and smacked her lips for emphasis.
It was then that she noticed how the stranger was looking at her in a stupor. She pondered if he was all there until he spoke up and apologized for not introducing himself. Odette's teenager reaction was dropped and she dipped her head in a polite nod. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Valerius Adravendi. Let me welcome you to Valhalla and give you my name in turn. I am Odette Adravendi, daughter of Chrysanthe of Valhalla..." She paused a minute, then risked the confusion that would settle upon the male with her next words. "As well as daughter to Ocena and Gargoyle of the Snow Rogues." Wherever she went, whoever she met, she would always include her birth parents.
The heat was beginning to get to her and her body muscles quivered in response to her mental thoughts. "I'm thirsty and pretty much worn out from this morning. You look like you could use either a nice swim or a long drink of water. If you want, I can show you where the best water source is for Valhalla." She was talking about Wolfpaw Lake and the mere image of the body of water made her drool.

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