
There's beauty in the breakdown [Joining]


04-20-2014, 01:34 AM

The banter between the two boys was a waste of her time and her patience was running thin. Nonetheless, coral pools would rest on the smaller boy as his chest swelled with pride as he spoke of his self proclaimed accomplishments. A smirk tugged at dark lips as her coral gaze shifted to the second boy. Her amusement quickly faded as her gaze narrowed. "I don't know you sister, but obviously she couldn't handle the task of being a ruler." She brushed off his comment without so much as a blink. He followed with an introduction and interest so she would quickly move on. "You would be ranked as Ecuyer, a warrior, and your brother as Chevavlier until he is older." Her gaze would shift momentarily to the youngster before moving back to the older boy. "You will each train regularly, and participate in each training exercise. You may challenge for a higher rank if you so choose, but you will each pull your own weight." She spoke to them both before turning to address the younger boy. "If you would like to perfect your skills in one area then you may become an Apprenti and train under your mentor." After her speech the Queen would fall silent, waiting for them to make the final decision. Would they join, or would they be a waste of her time?