
Don't be wasting your time



7 Years
04-20-2014, 02:57 AM

As the strong scent of another filled the air, Emer nervously realised that she was no longer alone. Though it was almost definite that the other would be a fellow Valhalla member, she still couldn't help the worry that coursed through her body, and the strengthening desire to be back with her children in case anyone dared to try harm them. She may not have been strong or much of a fighter, a fact that had been proven to her in a harsh manner but the strength and fierceness of a mother's love would not allow her to simply give in and allow anyone to harm her pups.

Golden eyes would lift to see another female who seemed, if possible, to be in a more pitiful state than Emer herself. The nerves would fade and though she would still cast a glance back up the path that would lead her back to her den and children. Her caring nature, now restored a little, would overpower the desire to get back to her den for a moment and even overpower the remaining nerves she had as she moved a little closer to the other.

From her current point she couldn't see the cross marking, and didn't even have the knowledge of Jinxx's family all bearing the marking in some sort. Had she known that the female was related to him though, Emer would have been far less hesitant in her movement, more determined to help the other. Jinxx after all had been the first one to save her, bringing her here to safety in Valhalla. Once the children were old enough she would have to seek him out again at some point, though the man wasn't in her thoughts right now, only the sad looking wolf before her. "I'm sorry, are you ok?" She would question softly, attempting to banish any of the lingering nerves from her voice.

image by serendipity