
Champagne Supernova

Twig I


04-20-2014, 10:30 AM

They would reminisce their first time laying together so close, that day not so very long ago. She was broken, more so even than she was now. He had held her so tight, had he let her go she would have surely vanished from the world. The cross marked girl owed much to her friend, with out him and his gentle words she knew she would have perished with her daughter. He made it so she could see his words were true, there was a reason to live. A stark contrast to be observed between this moon lit night and the dark moment he had first found her. She found comfort in his touch as she would relax into his embrace. She'd grown stronger, but it was still painfully obvious she needed help.?

Alpine would whisper to her softly, their voices would be kept low. There was no need to disturb the serenity of the scene before them, "Mmm, just finished sleeping. And you?" her vocals would drift to him quietly as she nuzzled closer to his form. The slight breeze would bring with it a tinge of cold that would cause Twig to seek closer contact. They would grow silent again, both sets of eyes trained on the light show performed by the moon and the lake. Mystical beams of moon rays would dance and flutter magically on the surface, the last show of fireflies would announce their presence with a dazzling addition of their phosphorescence. Liquid purple gaze would wander over the pond's excellence, but she would find her gaze resting on Alpine's features. Barely audible their conversation would be, a gentle question of her thoughts would perforate his lips. "Upon you my dear friend. And how much I find myself depending on your simple presence." eyelids would flicker as she nuzzled him gently, her caress barely a touch as she continued to blissfully enjoy their time together. A relaxed sigh would fall from marked lips, "And you Alpine? What thoughts will you share with me?" curiosity would seep shallowly into her features as her hushed murmur would sail to his pale ears. The corners of her lips turning up in a gentle smile.?