
Stand in the Rain


04-20-2014, 01:26 PM

Settling own in a sitting position Isabella nodded to Lyric. "For the most part yes, it is hard to find water but when it is the air is always better around it. The best place is the caves they are always cool and dark. A good place to do some thinking or sleep if one is comfortable enough. Though considering their value at the moment others are bound to seek them out." Caves were indeed good this time of year but not very solitary meaning they may not be all that safe.

At the next question Isabella nodded before looking to the sky as the first drops found their way to the ground. Silently she thanked both the rain the the Spirit of the Ocean before answering the question. "Yes, since my first year I left my home pack and wandered wherever my paws would take me. Every now and then I would settle in a place but mostly i would be on the move. The more walking I did the more I was able to do so long distance travailing became both easy and fun. There was another pack at one point but the members just went their separate ways. This land is a vast one, I can travel all I like here yet have a few places to return to for a sense of home."

Home wasn't something she had many fond ties with yet it was nice to have a place to sleep each night. Still it was more fun to roam, to have no limits and to travel all she wished to. It was hard for her to imagine a sedentary lifestyle.

"My words are for all.""My thoughts are not."