
Dances of Celebration, Joining Of Two Hearts



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-20-2014, 01:43 PM (This post was last modified: 04-20-2014, 01:43 PM by Erani.)
Erani Adravendi

As Ashtoreth and Leon took their places, and Erani asked them their oaths, she was aware that some wolves did not stay for the entirety of the Ceremony. Inwardly, she frowned at the impoliteness of this, but outwardly, her face remained gentle, eyes warm as Ashtoreth and Leon confirmed their Vows, before speaking aloud, for all the remainder of the pack to hear. ?Then, on my Blessing, and by the Light of Luna, you are bound this night, and forever onward from this time.? A faint grin crossed her muzzle as she finished the words. ?You may lick the mate.? Deep blue eyes twinkled under the moonlight.

After a few moments, and presumably after the kiss, Erani smiled at the mated pair. ?You may go back to your places now, or to your den.? She smiled, and when the rock was vacated save for herself and Surreal, she stepped forward, standing to address the remaining members. ?In three days, Ashtoreth will be holding our first official pack hunt. I want everyone who is able to find a way to include themselves. Be it by joining the main hunt, or fishing, catching small game or any other manner you can think of. Winter will be here before you know it. Healers, Be sure to gather often, build up your stores, and make forays in groups beyond the borders to avoid over gathering in Valhalla. Warriors, I wish for you to spar often. The Gathering area here, the Stone Circle in Druids Moor, A Cave in Whisperer?s Gorge, and a shallow area, or muddy area in Wolfpaw Lake will be designated for main Sparring places. Use them often, and having an audience is a good idea. What better way to learn new moves than by watching another fight?

?Natalya Olympus, I thank you for being our guest tonight. I hope that your short travel home is safely made.?
She cast the blind Olympian a smile, before her eyes turned back to the pack. ?Thank you, all who stayed to see out Ashtoreth and Leon?s ceremony. The Meeting is over, but any who wish to speak to me privately may do so. To all, may you sleep well and peacefully, and may your night patrols have a clear round.? She smiled warmly at the pack, before descending to their level, mingling with them.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think