



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-20-2014, 02:20 PM
Erani Adravendi

Erani usually stayed around the Plains, but today was one of the days that she chose to extend her walks to the rest of the territory. By now, she knew every pawstep; where to place them to make no noise, and she had gone through with a guide during the nights she would place mud over her own closed eyes, effectively simulating full blindness, until she could pass through just as easily blind as she could with sight. Every bit of her land was committed to her highly detailed mental map, down to the smallest rock formation. A few had been shaken loose, however, so she was here to examine everything, finally, before heading out of the lands to examine the rift Surreal had told her of, the one Erion, Alpine, and Surreal had fallen into. She needed to be sure there were no passages going into Valhalla from there, and if there were, she needed to set guards there.

Valhalla would not be taken advantage of. Not if she could help it. So here she was, examining the Gorge, this being the most likely place for an opening from the rift. Snowy paws placed themselves unerringly as she gazed about at the different passages that led off from the main ravine left behind long ago be a river. She knew it had been from a river, from the smoothness of the rocks, and the silt at beneath her paws. Her eyes rose further, to the top of the ravine, in time to catch a shadow as it crossed the opposite side of the wall. She shadowed it for a moment, before she could recognize Deviant?s scent as the breeze turned slightly. Easily, she turned up a ledge path, climbing silently until she fell into step beside the largely sized male with the cross marked left shoulder. ?Good day, Deviant Black. How do you find the pack?? Velvet tones were conversational, friendly, and warmly welcoming.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think