
Champagne Supernova



04-20-2014, 03:12 PM

This darkness was comforting one, with the silver light of the moon a gentle warmth and light and the serenity of the water before them opening out into something ethereal and beautiful. Beside him was his closest friend in the world, the one he had spent more time with then he could ever remember spending in the presence of another. His thoughts, broken by her words would scatter and he would smile as he drew back to reality to nuzzel his head gently against the hunches he used as a pillow. She had said she had finished speaking, and indeed if she had taken a nap with Cru for more of the day he could understand how this could be.

?I'm not sure I know what woke me, perhaps sensing your presence move in the outside world?? he mused gently, ticking his breath against her coat. He felt her nuzzle close, press into the warmth of his coat. She would speak of her thoughts, admit that they where upon him and the friendship and support he had provided. He would turn a little to look at her, and would find himself thinking of how small and frail she still seemed to look. It was a long road, but she was certainly making progress down it, and he knew he would be there for every step of the way. ?My thoughts are to you as well, that i've never really had a best friend before and now I couldn't live without you? he chuckled softly at his own words, nuzzling into her soft fur, feeling her presence and the protectiveness she awoke in him.