
Playing the Victim



03-31-2013, 10:00 AM
She stood there beside him, ears swivelin.g to catch his words. Her brows raised at what he told her, a form of worry washing over her as he explained that he was ambushed last night. What? By who? Why would somebody do such a thing? Did he start something? She shook her head lightly, no, she wouldn't assume he started anything, it was rude and she didn't even hear what caused it to happen and who did it. She put it aside for now, and wouldn't ask him, not wanting to bother the already wounded and tired male. His breathing, forced and a slight gasp escaped his jaws. Her brows furrowed, she hoped she would be able to help him.

Then he said something that made her smile a little, he did remember her. That was nice to know, that a loner actually remembered who she was and didn't forget because she Just wasn't worth anything to them. She turned away for a moment, was going to grab the leaf bundles but then spoke again, causing her to turn back towards him as he told her he didn't know what happened or who it was that attacked him. So he didn't start it, that was good to know. But then he turned away to look at the water, now she could go to work on his wounds and explain to him what she was doing here, in case he was wondering.

She moved away from him and to the leaf bundles, opening with her claws to reveal a few plants inside, including some moss she was able to find. "I hope you don't mind, I smelled blood so I brought some herbs to... treat your wounds." She explained softly, gently grabbing the moss in her mouth and walked over to the water where she dipped it in then walked back over. Grey eyes examined his wounds, deciding to work on the one on his neck first. Carefully she dabbed the soaked moss on the wound, watching Bronze from the corner of her eyes. She would have to clean away the fresh blood and take off some of the crusted blood that way when she rubbed the herbs on, it would get in there and start doing its thing to heal.

Once the neck was cleaned good enough she went back to the water and dipped the bloody moss in, cleaning off the blood before going back and cleaning the wound on his side, glancing at him every few seconds.