
Heavy In Your Arms


04-20-2014, 07:20 PM (This post was last modified: 04-20-2014, 07:22 PM by Lekan.)

The boy had finally left home. His family was as encouraging as ever, wishing him luck in finding a master. An odd sentiment for some, but for Lekan it was the same thing he had heard all of his life. Loyalty. Honor. Submission. Compassion. The virtues upon virtues that had drilled into his young mind. He had never complained. Complaining was the last thing Lekan would ever do. He was the ideal male wolf, perfect to an incredible degree, and willing to serve a good master. Now he had to find a home.

Eager to begin his life of noble slavery, the golden boy set off across the southern territories. This morning his steps had brought him to a wide, sparkling river that was colorful and gleaming in the fresh light of the day. His bronze pelt seemed to sparkle too, as did his open amethyst eyes. He had a welcoming look about him, inviting any wolf to ask for his help. And he would help them with a smile, as he always had.

Lekan paused for a moment on his journey, lowering his head to take a short drink. Just as his tongue breached the cool surface of the water, a scent tugged at his attention. Was that... blood? The blood of a female wolf? She could be in trouble. The boy felt his entire frame go rigid at the scent, and instantly he took off at a sprint, afraid of what he might find. Still, he was selfless, and he would help this girl no matter what had befallen her. At last her dark figure came into view where she rested - on the opposite side of the river bed. Lekan sighed with well-contained frustration and his bright purple eyes moved about rapidly, seeking a way across. The river was a good twenty yards wide, and there were no stones to be seen.

That didn't matter. Time was precious now, and there wasn't a moment to waste. This woman could be dying, for all he knew. So the golden male dived directly into the water, using his limited swimming skills to paddle his way across. It took him about a minute, and his muscles were trembling slightly from the effort, but he eventually crawled his way to the shore. In the back of his mind he was aware of a pack scent, the sign of a boundary line. But he quickly dismissed the thought. If the pack were to find him here, they would see that he was helping one of their members. He wouldn't let that shred of fear stop him.

Unsure of where to begin, the young boy swept a glance over the injured female. Had she been wounded in that recent earthquake? He peered closely at her body, looking for broken bones. Something did appear to be wrong with her skull... but she was still alive nonetheless. Careful not to disturb her head, Lekan lifted a wet paw to nudge the strange girl. "Excuse me, miss? Are you alright? Can you tell me what hurts, so I can help you?" He continued to poke at her gently, a hesitant smile on his maw as he waited for her eyes to open. Hopefully she would wake, and soon.
