
Playing the Victim

Bronze i


12 Years
03-31-2013, 12:01 PM
Bronze occasionally lifted his muzzle to watch what Loccian was doing, but minute by minute he grew less wary of the female. If she wanted to hurt him, or take advantage of the state he was in, she would've already done that. But instead he observed her carefully placing wet vegetation on his wounds, watching them tenderly. Her maternal instincts were obvious, and Bronze found himself grinning ever so slightly, the pleased expression barely visible on his weathered features. Only slightly did he flinch, growing aware of the severity of the wounds as she cleaned the dried blood off of them. The one on his neck was particularly sensitive, but he found himself relaxing against the female's tender touch. It was not often that the male found himself trusting in another, but he was in no position to argue right now.

"Which pack are you from?" He inquired gently, knowing if she was a healer it was likely she was part of some sort of group. Bronze knew it was much less likely she had trained herself in the arts of healing on her own. Possibly, but simply not as likely.

She dropped some seeds near him, and the brute sniffed them with slight apprehension. Tentatively he lapped them up, crunching them between his teeth. "Thank you, Loccian. I don't deserve your kindness. But I appreciate it nonetheless." He mumbled between a mouthful of the seeds, gulping them down after a moment. He would take her words seriously, lowering his head again and trying to relax. Muscles would tense every so often, hyper aware of the sharp pain in his neck and side, but his mind told him to calm his body and remain still.