
Champagne Supernova

Twig I


04-20-2014, 11:00 PM
Only the brightness of the stars would rival the light the moon draped over the landscape. Twig's eyes need not adjust too drastically, she could see no better were the sun to be illuminating the lake. While her thoughts were consumed by the gentle nuzzles Alpine gave her, her bright purple gaze would catch sights of the heavens and stars. She would feel the disturbance of her fur in his warm breath, voicing her as the possible cause of his lack of sleep. "I didn't mean to wake you," her words were slightly teasing as her eyes were torn from the impressive lights how and placed into the warm embrace of his gaze. Softly he would go on, lyrics caressing her slate backed audits. He too would confess his need for their friendship, undoubtedly he was one of the most important beings in her life. She would always need her Alpine. She hoped he and Cru would start to get along, she wished them to have a brotherly relationship. Much like the one she shared with both of them.?

Twig would let herself nuzzle the pale wolf in mirrored action of the affectionate touch he showed her. Her white lashes would slide, her lids closing as an obvious relief settled her body. Muscles would relax as slowly her tail would tap happily upon the ground. "I'm not going anywhere," she would add to the nuzzle given him. Orchid eyes would open slowly, searching for her counterpart's gaze. A smile would still keep itself upon her features. It was easy to relax in his presence. "You're such a good healer already Alpine, whenever you show up I feel better." she would twist and lean over her back to nudge his white muzzle, falling back she would again snuggle deeply into his side. Her eyes would stay open and suddenly stray to the night's sky. A falling star would capture her focus, "Look a falling star!" a smile would grow upon her face, "Quick make a wish!" a glimpse of Fern's sweet face would flash in her mind as her wish was said within her mind. Before her thoughts would turn she would realize how long the star had lasted. It would continue to streak across the sky, hurting alarmingly close. The fiery shard of rock would speed over the treetops, landing not so far from the lake.?

The girl's eyes were wide as she turned back to alpine, her features curious and completely in awe at the same time. A shooting star had fallen to earth.?