
Champagne Supernova



04-20-2014, 11:22 PM

He would smile as she apologised for waking him, and knew that any time spent in her presence made up for any such intrusions in his dreams. She would assure him she wasn't going anywhere, and he would rest his head back on her hunches, find his gaze returning to the open waters before them. It was a peaceful sight, serene and gentle and the sound of her breath beneath him was lulling him into sleep. His eyes would grow heavy, and he felt a slight twinge and not returning her words, but the call of dreams and the gentle breeze was too sweet for him to worry.

She would speak again, her soft voice breaking his lull and pulling him, abide slowly, back to the present. ?mm..?? he said sleepily ?Did I tell you I started healing lessons with Friction?? he asked, his voice soft and heavy with the lethargic weight of sleep. She would lean forward to nudge her muzzle against his and his sleepy blue eyes would gain some focus to smile at her and return the affection before she moved back again to rest her head against him.

It would seem that sleep wasn't in the picture today, as Twig would call his attention to something in the sky, a falling star? He would raise his head again, vision momentarily blurring in a yawn before they refocused and she was telling him to make a wish. This time the eye-close was voluntary and his thoughts would swirl into some sort of order. I wish for Twig's happiness he would decide, a decision that had taken a heartbeat and would bring a smile to his muzzle. His eyes reopened, and would turn puzzled as the shooting rock continued to streak across the sky. His previous vision of such feats had been fleeting, lasting but a moment. But this one would truly fall, cast in a line against the ear, a trajectory that would bring it close to the lake , skimming across tree tops in his vision before falling out of sight. His eyes would turn to Twigs, whose own expression seemed to show amazement and curiosity. ?I do believe my best friend needs a piece of star? he decided, already rising to his feet, a grin upon his maw. Perhaps this would help be the answer to his wish, either way it was worth a shot and a bit of fun. He would bump his hips against her side and start a light jog in the direction it had fallen, turning his head as he did so to see if Twig would follow.
