
when the whole world trembles and shakes



04-21-2014, 12:01 AM

All he could think about, all that mattered was getting this pup to safety. Erion had become a piece of him, a part of his heart and future. He was the adult here, and this young life was entirely in his hands. It was a daunting, even frightening thought, especially where failure meant death, failure was simply not an option. He would assure the boy that his ribs where fine, that they where of no concern, but of course he had forgotten that this was a son of healers. He would hold back a sigh as the other pointed out how terrible ribs where to injure. He needed the other to believe he could get them out of this, that Alpine would find the asnwer. He could not have Erion giving up hope, they had to keep going, they would find their way out of this.. they had to, after all Alpine had him promised fighting training.

?I've got adrenaline Erion, I wont even feel it until where safe and snug back home? it was the best, and most honest answer he could think to give the this son of healers. It was true enough anyway, he knew the injury was there and the throbbing of pain echoed in the back of his mint. However, his blood was pumping in his ears ever louder, and his body coursed with a nervous energy. Alpine was... well, he was terrified, of being stuck down here forever, of some unseen height waiting just ahead, of seeing what happened to his brother happen to Erion. He was terrified of behing helpless, of being a failure, but all of that added up to his will to see them safely home.

He was slipping into the water, Erion was watching in surprise and uncertainty. The one highlight he felt as his body sunk into the embrace of the water, was that it was cool but not freezing. The still air offered no cool breeze to freeze his damp fur to his side, and it meant that this little dip was bearable. He would however aim to keep as much of Erion dry as possible, he certainly didn't want infection or cold, or anything to lower his immune system and make this worse for his injured friend. ?Same goes to you, if it hurts stop swimming, and rest your injured paw on my back, as much out of the water as you can manage? He advised, as he began to paddle against the water, the stillness of it making it easy for him to break through the surface. He was insanely grateful for his love for water and the long hours he had spent swimming, which had built up the right muscles for this work. The added weight of pup was holding him down, but he would never dare say it. Wolves where built for endurance, so long as he took it easy he could keep this up for long enough. Or what he hoped to the gods was long enough...

The swim would continue on for a little while, and the boy would fill the silence with something he thought of as a new worry. ?Maybe rats or mice, maybe some fish if the water comes from the surface somewhere? to be honest, he wasn't certain what could be living down here, he just knew that sharks where salt-water creatures, so they where safe from that at least. He was also fairly certain alligators didn't live in caves, and he wasn't certain what other dangers there might be. He would fight back a shiver and instead fill the silence himself. ?So Erion, you have healer training and you'll get a good share of fighter training. If I where you I would enjoy your rest after this, you'll need it for how busy your gona be? he would joke with a half-forced, half true laugh. He already kinew that when they made it to the surface, Erion would be out of commission for a while with that leg. He would feel sorry for the pup for the time he would have to spend immobile to allow that to heal, he would, if he wasn't worried sick that he wouldn't be able to get the boy that far.

His swimming would be slow and repetitive, his paws brushing the wave in familiar strokes. However with the weight of the pup his breathing would grow quicker, he wasn't tiring just yet but he was certainly getting a work out. With each harsh breath he could feel it all the way through his chest and in his injured rib. It was that, he thought that might drown them if they didn't reach the other side soon. The pain was growing on him, or perhaps the adrenaline fading with the steady rythem, really the ribs where his biggest concern right now. Or at least, that would be so right up until the moment he would feel something brush against his leg. His face would blanch in surprise, and his rythem would break for a moment before starting up again, terrified not only of the unknown beneath his feet but of alerting the pup that was in his care that something might be wrong. He would continue on for a while, and there it would come again, the slimy touch of something with scales against his paws. His face would be drained of colour by now, and still he dared not do or say anything to frighten his passenger. His heavy breathing after all could be considered the effort of the swim. Oh god, he was wishing for dry land about now. He could only imagine what might be swimming down below him, circling him, waiting for the right moment...

To strike, he felt it again against his leg, brushing against two paws this time, one after the other, circling back, and then he would feel it against his paw again, and his breathing would hitch, and then he would feel it nibbling against his paws. He would explore, into laughter, the shaking of his body as he laughed turning into a soft cry of pain to his injured ribs. ?I think? he wheezed I know what where having for dinner, do you know how to fish Erion? Because if not your about to learn? his breath would still shake, in relief and in laughter, but softer now for the sake of his ribs. Even as the adrenaline and relief would slowly slide off him his paws would brush ground and his swimming would turn into walking as he took the last few steps and came upon dry ground. He would feel Erion slip off his back in the shallowest of waters and then then they would be fully on dry loud, and the solidness of it beneath his paws was a blessing. ?I have it on good authority there's fish in these waters, so lets catch us some supper? his relief made it easy this time to put a cheerful tone into his words, and to nudge the pups neck gently in a warm gesture.
