
Playing the Victim



03-31-2013, 01:21 PM
He was good while she washed the wounds, only flinching the slightest once she pulled the crusted blood off. His body was working to heal but not as fast as it normally would, he must have been very tired or moving too much. It wasn't bleeding much now, just a little bit but she could easily wipe it off but wouldn't do so until she had the plants crushed up and ready to smear over them. And no later had she answered his question he had another waiting for her, an obvious one she knew he would ask. What pack was she from? She didn't answer him right away seeing as she had a rock in her mouth, trying to crush some plants. She would tell him once she was finished, glancing over at him, ear swiveling to the side as he thanked her for helping him. Telling her that he didn't deserveit but appreciated her help.

Loccian looked down at the now completely crushed plants, juices oozing out of it. A light sigh escaped her lips as she set the rock aside and brought the one with the plants crushed, over so she was right beside him, between his neck and shoulder. "Everyone deserves some kindness, even if they think they don't deserve it." Her grey eyes held something warm and tender, fixating on his for a moment before turning away and examining his neck. "I found a pack in the southeast, not far from here. Even though I wasn't much of a fighter or hunter, they took me in and trained me to become a healer. It's called Seracia." She spoke, leaning over and grabbing the moss from the water, dabbing his wound then put it back. "The wolves there seem really nice." She added before licking up some of the herbs, but not pulling it into her mouth, leaned down and spread it over his wound. She didn't warn him, thought he could handle a sting since it was going to help him.