
No Sweeter Song Has Been Sung


04-21-2014, 06:36 AM

The smell was becoming more difficult to ignore, especially with how shy this female was being. He longed to reach out and comfort her, but such proximity would surely make things more difficult for the old brute no matter how good he was at ignoring the smell of heat. He kept his instincts in check, as always, and smiled at the younger wolf. "Yes, miss. I knew I had seen you before. Your face is not one I would soon forget."

Could it be that the aged male had actually had trouble speaking to Narsha before? Now his words were smoother than honey and just as sweet. This was very odd for him, very odd indeed. But just like before, Hyperion chalked it off to the intoxicating smells in this orchard. They were desensitizing him somehow, that was all. He moved away from the tree a bit, hoping that some distance from the soft apples would make his head clear up a bit. He shook his head lightly around, releasing the strange fog, and returned his attention to the earthen girl. "May I ask what brought you here today, Miss Narsha? This orchard is a bit outside of your pack boundaries, is it not?" She, of course, still smelled a bit like Glaciem. He knew she called that terrible group her family, because she had been there the day he had escorted Esperanza home.

In fact, it had been quite a while since he had traveled near that place. He decided it couldn't hurt to ask... "How is Esperanza doing? Have you seen her recently? I trust she is well, she told me she felt at home there..." And now his voice began to trail away. What if the pretty black girl had been hurt somehow? That recent earthquake had done its damage to the land, even Hyperion was feeling aches in his bones as a result... Was Esperanza hurt? Should he go and check on her? The thoughts whirled around in his head as he stared at the female and the way she tucked her head away from prying eyes. He glanced away for a moment to give her room to breathe. Why did she look so frightened of him? Oh, she's in heat. Of course she's nervous around brutes at this time. Hyperion bit his lip as he tried to think of something to say or something to do.
