
Do you wanna build a snowman?


04-21-2014, 09:58 AM
OOC: I hope you don't mind if I throw Adelaide into this. I need to get her more involved with Ebony. She's very nice and enjoys children, so Raisa has nothing to worry about. ;)


Adelaide was wandering the rock garden with the intentions to gather a few helpful herbs when several sounds began tugging at her attention. She dropped a few bitter leaves at her feet and placed a paw over them to keep the wind from blowing them away. Her blue eyes moved quickly, searching for the source of the noise. As it turned out, there was more than one source. Raisa came to the surface, bringing her adorable children on a day of exploration. Adelaide felt her lips spreading into a smile as the fluffy little creatures began pouncing around. Their high voices made the young woman chuckle. They were absolutely beautiful, just as she had expected.

One of the pups spotted a stray fox kit and began sniffing at it, calling to her mother to come see. Curious, Adelaide approached the kit as well, leaving the herbs behind for now. Her dark nose searched the black fox curiously, noticing that it seemed frightened and malnourished. She stepped away as more of Raisa's children began to investigate, mind working over the possibility of feeding the fox kit. Perhaps she could give it a bit of medicine as well, give it a better chance of survival...

At last, the white maiden looked up at her queen, giving her a respectful bow. "Wonderful to see you this morning, Raisa. How are you? I can see your children are doing well." The last phrase came with another sweet laugh. Really, the pups were adorable. She watched them for a while, her heart somehow aching for children of her own. But no, Adelaide needed to focus on her job as a Sola Knight first. She would work her way into the ranks before settling down. Didn't she owe that much to her dead mother?
