
Champagne Supernova

Twig I


04-21-2014, 11:21 AM
His smile was the catalyst that made her heart beat, that chased away sorrowful thoughts of her deceased daughter. She never wanted to forget Fern, but the pain that came along with her memory was so hard to bare alone. Crucifix would help, his strong presence was back in her life again. He did not wish to stay in Valhalla though, such actions would sadden her but it was very much apparent that all she need do was reach out to Alpine for comfort. Again she would wake him from his slumber, their closeness in the mystical realm would lull him into a stupor. Somehow she would reach him through the over relaxed state and he would mumble about healing lessons. "You're taking healing lessons? I just smelled the varied herbs on your pelt, you kind of smelled like Erani's den." a small giggle would bubble forth on her marked lips as he returned her nuzzle, both wolves seeping back into the other's plush coat. Before they could fall asleep together she would spot the shooting star. The two wolves would watch in amazement as it fell to the earth's surface, the brightness of the light catching in their curios gazes. Alpine would turn to look at her, almost mirroring her shocked expression. He would recover first though, his words warming the broken pieces of her heart. "Realy? For me?"

He was going to retrieve the star, for her. Again her expression would brighten, and would not be affected by his sudden removal of himself from her side. The excitement she felt within her was too much to complain, she would find though, as she stood with him he had no intention of losing contact with her. He would nudge her gently with his hip, an as he started off she would remain at his side. Their fur would continue its mingling as they set off on a late night adventure. The glow of the moon would reflect off the tiniest trail of smoke in the sky. Through the trees she would glimpse its being, and still their paws would continue. "What do you think it looks like?" she would whisper in wonder as they went, so curious about the fallen star. The distance it had traveled would be rather deceiving, as their walk would continue even as it looked like they had reached the place of landing. Finally though their pursuit would reap its rewards. A small crater would be the result of the metal hitting the soft ground, the dryer grasses around it were smoldering. Surely the cause of the trail of smoke that wandered to the sky. Liquid lavender gaze would take in the scene. The death of a star. "It's not glowing anymore." she would say sadly as she inched forward, the heat still very much obvious. "It must have died." though the fact was true in her mind, she couldn't know that the shard that had buried itself within the earth had not ever sat with the stars. It's only light had been from the burning of it's trip through the atmosphere. "So what does a star that's not shining look like?" she would peer into the crater, her eyes searching for what could be the star's skeleton.?