
Power Trip


04-21-2014, 01:29 PM

Massive male would watch as each and every one of their high ranked wolves approached, taking note of names and appearances as they were brought to his attention. He really showed no emotion until the brat he had met when he had first met Cat came onto the scene. For a moment he would allow verdant eyes to follow the boy's path, a slow smirk slithering across inky lips. Silly boy... He couldn't help himself, tossing the boy a languid wink before sifting his attention to the last to arrive. Who was this? And why did he look so familiar? For a long moment Kylar would simply watch the older male, those purple eyes were the same ones who had tipped him off to Neios's heritage. Purple was not too common in these parts, especially the sickly purple grey hue they donned on their pelts. Was this another child of Newt and Kaios? Kylar would say nothing, simply watching the male until Cat's words would snap him out of his trance. Eyes would zero in on his queen as she listed their duties. He was to mentor the duchess? Head would tip as he looked towards the black and white female, flashing her an easy smile before looking back to Cat as she continued on with her brief speech. He would say nothing in response to Cat, simply giving a swift shake of his head before turning attention back to Narfi. "How about now? Lets go..." He said softly before lifting himself, allowing head to dip low to both his monarchs before turning and heading off the way he had come. Might as well start their chat a little further off from the group to avoid interruptions...

-exit Kylar-
