
I spent my time



3 Years
04-21-2014, 02:54 PM

Dutiron hadn't heard any stories of heat beneath the earth, the only heat he knew of was the one that came from the sun, which was why it made no sense to him now for water to be giving off heat. "There's always a reason. There just isn't always an answer..." He would glance away from the water now, looking towards the red pup with a frown across his features. It didn't make much sense to him either. "What does that mean?" He'd question, wanting to understand the phrase and hoping that this wasn't one of those things that apparently didn't have an answer.

"No clue. I wonder why some are hotter then others too..." With this being his first trip here, Dutiron hadn't managed to note that fact yet. He'd realised the warmth was coming from the water and had stopped at the closest spring to try and work out why and that was when Solo had joined him. "They are?" He'd ask curiously, glancing back down to the pool before him and dipping his paw into the water.

From there he'd move walking past a few more of the pools before pausing at the edge of another, eager to test the theory for himself. He hoped he wasn't just imagining it, but as he dipped his paw into the second it really did seem warmer. His little face would light up at this realisation, it would only give him more questions, but already he had learnt something new. "They really are!" He happily announced, pleased that his new friend had helped teach him something.

He'd move back towards the first pool now to join Solo once more and his cheery mood would falter slightly as he arrived. "That doesn't really help us." He sighed, mind now realising he had so many more questions to ask, though no answer for his original one.