
Hate Me Today; Hate Me Tomorrow



Extra small
04-21-2014, 06:08 PM

OOC: [ ]

Syrinx had already been exposed to a lot of those he had not thought would be brought to him soquickly. Though, he had asked for it giving?his ?sounding off?. His daughter, a stranger, and even his sister had come. So, it was expected that word was flourishing that he was back and?he had to be prepared to deal with the things that would come from it. A sly smirk painted itself across his inky lips as the boy trailed another?woman?s scent anyways. It was her he was focused on. His blood was the most important to him--and hers was a misplaced scent. It was in a?place it did not belong and immediately he could feel curiosity pulse through his body. He could only beging to wonder why his sister was?displaced. This was not Seracia. He had been here before, though, it was not under claims. ?
?Syrinx pressed his nose further towards the ground. It was certainly Epiphron here, and he could find those that were closer to her, alas--it?did not particularly help the fact that he was brimming with wonderment. A sigh slithered from his inky lips. Keeping track of them was?going to be the death of him. Of course, he was boldly aware of the fact that if he himself would actually stay put he would know more about?where they were and what they were doing. In continuation, they would also probably feel a little better knowing that their brother wasn?t?flaunting around being an idiot. Well, or dead as Chrysanthe had so lightly put it. ?
?He wondered what kind of scolding he was in for from Epiphron. She was a bit more fiery than Chrysanthe was (unless Chrysanthe was in?the heat of battle. Damn, that was fine.) and he had to put a bit of thought towards what she?d do staring at his new and improved?
appearance. Or, what was left of it. He looked particularly grotesque. Where fur used to be on the left side of his body he was?
particularly more naked. The lower left side of his jaw (beside where the exposed bone was) there was a lack of fur, patches were missing,?and his entire front side of his left leg was just skin. Gross effects of fire were left behind, and their damage was cleanly written across his?entire self. He was a scarred mess, and he hoped he could get away with the stupidity that had landed him there. After all, if he had to?unmask a fear it was Epiphron. She?d secretly be happy he was alive, though her displeasure with his appearance would overrule her, and he?wondered if she?d bother yelling at him or just shaking her head at him because she expected more. Women (his sisters) were complicated.?
?Despite his fears the canine still cocked his head back and called for his sister. Epiphron surely still has some kind of soft spot for him, and?even if he had to prod and pry a bit he'd rip it to the eyes of her being and let her see something to be proud of. ?
