
there's an albatross around your neck


04-21-2014, 07:11 PM
Altavro Of The Nomads

Albatross? Altavro sputtered a little at that, his blue eyes practically bulging as he stared at the white female. She had definitely said what her name was earlier, hadn't she? And it had been some strange jumble of sounds and letters all too similar to the name he'd offered. He'd suspected that that hadn't been her real name, but Albatross? Could he take this at face value and assume that that was actually her name? Altavro wasn't entirely sure what to think, and he didn't like feeling like he'd been fooled. "Well if you're so fond of Albatross, maybe you shouldn't introduce yourself as Altraverior or whatever." Grumpy as ever, Altavro pinned his ears back for a moment to properly glare at the lighter colored female. Ugh. Women these days - they were crazy, he was certain of it.

The next question threw him off a little, but Altavro was starting to think that maybe he shouldn't take anything this female had to say too seriously. Maybe he should learn to let it roll off his fur like water off a duck's fur. But that was far too easy. "I doubt it," Altavro muttered irritably, "As far as I know this is the first conversation we've ever had." And probably their last, at the rate this was going. Altavro really didn't enjoy feeling like people had pranked him. But he didn't mind the latter part of this conversation, at least, and Albatross or whatever her name really was wasn't terrible company at least. More respectful than many he'd met over his years - or at least, right now she was. Altavro was definitely going to have to keep on his toes though. She might go back to acting like she had been earlier any moment now.