
myths of the vagabond heart


04-21-2014, 07:34 PM

an empire's fall
Ellis Cathal, huh? Altavro rolled the name over in his mind, testing it out curiously. She didn't sound even remotely familiar, but he had expected nothing less. To meet a familiar wolf in this strange land would have been all too much of a coincidence for it to have been anything other than divine intervention, and Altavro did not believe in gods that meddled so closely in their followers lives, for the most part.

Absently, he inclined his head in her direction as she continued, speaking of his experience, but there was little for him to add and so Altavro kept his maw shut, letting the other speak of the herbs that could be found in the area with only vague curiosity. "Is Fontamo Bay pack territory?" It was his own way of asking if this fellow healer had joined a pack. He was cautiously curious about the packs in the area, and though Altavro was thinking that this might be the land upon which he settled, he wasn't sure that he would join a pack. "At any rate, I'm not looking for anything in particular, but I am curious as to what grows here - and if there's anything that is indigenous to the area that has healing use." This was where she came in handy. Altavro was sure that Ellis had more experience with the local herbs than he did, and this was the kind of thing that a healer needed to know, more than anything. Knowing the local herbs could make the difference between a wolf living and a wolf dying, and Altavro did not intend to allow the gods to claim any wolves that he was responsible for.

in just one day