
Kiss Me In The Moonlight, Bite Me 'Till I Bleed


04-21-2014, 09:01 PM

The beast looked around at all of the new wolves that were approaching. Her face twisted into a disgusted grimace. She hated crowds. More wolves meant more trouble. She suddenly had an urge to pounce at all of the gawking freaks, pushing her face close so they could see the ruined nerves inside her empty eye socket. They could behold the bloodied scar that had broken her skull during her childhood. Of course, the woman still didn't know who was responsible. But when she found out, oh how they would pay. She would rip the flesh from their bones and spill their blood across the earth like dark, evil paint. She would kill them slowly, savoring every last scream as they -

Her thoughts filtered into the warm air as the russet male began to circle her seductively. Her insides clenched with desire as he whispered sweet nothings in her ear. She let out a delicious snarl, her tail stirring the vanilla scent into the air. By some wicked miracle, the boy had preferred her. How had he chosen Sonrisa - a dirty, wounded monster - over the black beauty that was Mariposa? Either way, the triumph was succulent and sweet. She felt her mouth begin to water as the brute spoke of doing naughty things. "Is that what you think?" she murmured roughly. "Perhaps you're right. Just get me alone and I'll show you what I like best."

The black female started to lean forward, aiming to run her hot tongue against his ear. She wanted to see how far she could push him, just how much arousal it would take to break him down. but Mariposa made any further flirting impossible. Her pretty sister cut between the two horny wolves, calling the brute a mongrel and scolding him for using such language. Sonrisa let her lopsided jaw fall open. "What the hell is this? You don't decide my life, sister. We hardly even know each other, thanks to you. I don't know what kind of circus show you're running here, but I want no part of it."

Her masculine figure trembled with rage, a growl all too close to the surface. "I'm leaving now. I'll track you down later if I feel like it - I've been following your scent for a week anyway." The beast bared her ivory fangs at her sister, knowing she wasn't really this angry. It was the hormones. She was seeing red. The sooner she got satisfaction the better. Her furious one-eyed glance flew to the dirty brute again. "Hey, you. Follow me. We've got a little business to take care of."