
Don't Slow Me Down



4 Years
04-22-2014, 01:01 AM
inexperienced narfi! xD

for judge; they are equaled in size pretty much, both are 120 pounds but Zaria is an inch bigger.

ref; using this for attacks made/landed

Narfi Celestine Jaeger

Grey and green orbs carefully looked upon Cataleya, an ear twitching at her chuckle, glancing back to Zaria when her mother spoke. The spar was confirmed, the Monarch stating that they both needed the practice, making the inner Narfi nod, as well to the no serious injury part added. It was a spar, and the dark yearling had no intentions of hurting the leader's daughter and pack heir for nothing.

Full attention was now put onto her opponent, gaze narrowing as she watched Zaria set up her defenses. While she did that, Narfi would do her own, not quite copying the girl before her. Ears flicked to the side, carefully sliding back against her skull. Naturally her head would lower to level with her spine, but chin would not tuck inward. All four limbs spread out, joints bending the slightest while tail lashed behind her. She was ready, lips pulling back over her canines.

Body would quickly lower upon Zaria making her move, closing the distance between the two and coming towards Narfi's right side. Quickly she would maneuver her body to dodge the first attack, simple enough. Gaze quickly scanning Zaria's body, she had to move her left limb to the left a step as well as her right, shifting her weight so that she could pull her right shoulder back and down while also moving to the left. What she wouldn't be able to avoid however was the bite to her neck, landing in the upper portion of her neck, a couple inched behind her skull. The attack was enough to cause a growl to bubble up, the girl's sinking into her flesh about 2 and a half centimeters, then 3 and a half once they tightened their hold. She would be experiencing tenderness and a burning sensation for a few hours afterward.

Once this bite had happened Narfi would begin her own attacks, even if Zaria had a hold on her neck, she would try to throw herself forward, back legs extending and pushing her forward and to her right, into Zaria's right side. The dark girl would feel a limb slither in however, hooking around her right foreleg and pull forward. This action would cause her shove forward to be lopsided, left foreleg trying to keep her body up, back legs spreading and toes/claws digging into the ground to pull her back instead of having her weight fall forward into her opponents grip [zaria].

With Zaria holding onto her neck, Narfi quickly tried to think of a move she could use to her advantage. Head would try and turn to the right and downwards awkwardly, jaws opening wide then snapping shut, attempting to grab hold of her opponent's breast area in front of the shoulder, near the base of her neck. If contact was made she would try and tighten her hold and twisted her head left then right while pushing her forward[towards narfi's rear], hoping it would make the girl loosen her hold some for Narfi to move away and try to land a better attack. When doing this attack, her head would be pulled back when twisting, skins around her neck creating folds. Ears remained back, tail out, muscles tightening.

one OF two FOR spar