
You aren't really funny you know?[joining]



4 Years
04-22-2014, 01:02 AM
narfi; 35 inches & 120 pounds

ref; that I am using

A brow raised when the male addressed Kylar, talking about if he lost then he would try to train to bring up his differences. Did he expect them to allow him to join and train under them should he lose? Or did he mean it in a way that he would leave the lands and train someplace before coming back to try and re-join? Either way Narfi would brush it off, not caring what he did should he lose. When his attention went back to her, Narfi's gaze would narrow the slightest on him, running over his body briefly to size him up and think of what he may possibly be good at. Quickly he would let her know, Krew thought he was good at fighting, and recently had a limp in his right shoulder permanently but didn't think it impaired him too much. Oh really, the girl would have to check this out.

Setting up his defenses, the man spoke of how it would be an honor to spar with her, her only response being a small grunt before she lifted herself from the ground.

Body now lifted off the ground, Narfi would quickly set up her own defenses. Head leveling with her spine, ears going back against her head, eyes narrowed, lips pulled back but not fully revealing her canines. Tail would rise and level with her spine as well, limbs spreading evenly and bending slightly at the joints, toes flexing and muscles tightening. Lastly her head would be brought back, skin around her neck folding up, shoulders rolling. It was her move first... even though he was the one seeking entrance, the Duchess didn't mind.

Unlike previous fights she had gotten into, Narfi would try for a different approach this time, stealing a small move from Kaneyna when they fought for the rank she now held. Carefully she would begin to circle the man, each step calculated, tail swinging behind her for a brief moment before going still and held out behind her. The yearling had gone to her right, almost moving a bit slow to see if the man would grow impatient. Once she had created an almost 60 degree angle from where she had originally stood, the girl would make her move. (angle positioning) Body charged right in, sliding to a stop just a foot away so she wouldn't slam into his body. Jaws quickly parted and lunged forward, aiming a bite to Krew's chest, behind his left shoulder. Should she make contact, she would try and hold on tight. Going in with this move, she would also try and use her right foreleg to move back quickly and with force, aiming to smash her paw and lower leg into the man's left hindleg, She wanted to try and knock him off balance, spreading out her own three limbs and trying to grip the earth with her toes while also pulling back with her hold to help in the off-balance.

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