
Your Words Have Haunted Me


04-22-2014, 08:30 AM (This post was last modified: 04-22-2014, 08:33 AM by Sonrisa.)

The looming shape of the dark beast seemed to bleed through the darkness, her one green eye glinting with desire. Sonrisa stood in the cavern, her blank gaze on the artificial stars above. Worms, disgusting creatures, squirming with anticipation as the scent in the air began to intensify. That smell. Vanilla.

She had just left her sister behind, enticing a dirty brute to trail along behind her. The scent of her heat was luscious now, overwhelmingly sweet in this close darkness. She had chosen her stage well. The woman turned, poor vision seeming to fail her in this cave. But she knew the lusty boy was still there - she could hear him breathing. Her maw cracked open into a horrifying grin that shone through the darkness, illuminated by the glowworms and other creatures above. Her breathing became more labored as she paused, waiting for him to come closer. "Over here," she called huskily. "And hurry up. Don't keep me waiting."

Despite her words, the dark lady met him halfway, curling her warm body against his. Her lips were at his ear. "Before we begin, don't you suppose you should tell me your name? Her long ragged tail snaked around his hind leg, sliding slowly upward into the unknown. "My name is Sonrisa, but I'm sure you know that by now." Her grin was bright and evil - she sent a lick under his jaw. "Don't worry about a thing, baby. You're in good company with me."

As the last hot whisper left her throat, she pushed her weight against him, sending them spiraling down. Let the games begin, she thought darkly.