
Frankly, My Dear...


03-31-2013, 03:33 PM

He ached all over for no reason. The travel wasn't the least bit hard or rough, and it wasn't even that far from home. The Rio was only about a thirty minute walk, and even shorter if you sprinted or loped - which he had. As he waited along the water's edge for his wife - or even just an answering call - he wondered vaguely where she had been all this time. Her scent had all but vanished from their communal den, and was scarcely found throughout the whole of Seracia. Had she left for good? Surely not, he knew his passion for her was dwarfed by her own love for him. There was no way she would leave voluntarily - at least not permanently. Gerhardt's ears twitched as a faint sound was heard from farther down the river - closer to Seracia. It was familiar and sounded all too much like Adette. Was that her response? Springing into motion, the King would trot toward the source of the sound inquisitively, wondering if it really was her.

As he came nearer to the source of the sound, he would call out. "Adette? Where are you?" He hoped she was not injured or sick. Why else would her call have been so weak and frail? Had someone attacked her on her way home from somewhere, or had she fallen ill by means of some foreign disease? The King needed answers, and he needed them now. But where was she?
