
hows your day going?


04-22-2014, 12:59 PM

Boredom was beginning to gnaw at him as he lay near the back of the den, flopped on his side with forepaws flailing uselessly. He hated this, it had been almost three weeks since the earthquake and since he had broken his leg. His dad said he still had another month or two of healing to go before he could do anything. So that meant a lot of alone time. His dad had people to teach healing too, his mom had people to teach to hunt and his sister was probably off doing everything Erion wanted to do but couldn't. That left him laying in this stupid cave with his stupid pink cobweb cast completely alone. Erion would occasionally lift himself up, propping himself on his elbows to look out the entrance of the den but as soon as he realized no one was coming to rescue him from his boredom he would flop again, dropping his shoulder onto the ground and throwing his head limply down. It hurt but at least it was a different hurt from the dull ache he always seemed to have from his leg. "Iiiiissssssiiiiiiisssss.... Aaaalllllpppiiiinnnneeee..." They were really the only ones who visited him regularly to take his mind off things. Though he would prefer his mentor his sister's company was also enjoyable. He didn't call for his mother or father, especially his father. Friciton seemed to be enjoying the fact that Erion couldn't move and escape his healers lessons.